Not everything we post here will be super current, there are so many great projects that have dropped in the last few years that are worth noting and spreading. Our goal is to get as many people familiar with these incredible project and people as we can.
Horsepowar aka Jasleen Powar is one of those people. You may have seen her music video for Queen that was featured everywhere last year. But if you havent, get familiar now. She's from a Sikh household in Richmond, BC, and has been practicing poetry and spoken work from an early age. Not too long ago she transitioned into rapping and dropped a few projects that were really dope. She released a mixtape, Bollywoes, last year which sets itself to old school Bollywood inspired beats with her expressing her reality growing up as a Sikh-Canadian and all that came with it.
She told Vice:
“Bollywood is such a big part of my life, I feel like a lot of brown girls dream, ‘I want to grow up and be a Bollywood actress.’ These are our brown-girl problems, my Bollywoes.”
[Banner image shot by Ryan Walter Wagner for Creep Magazine - All other images from the Horsepower Facebook page]